As a Professional Learning Community we make every endeavour to know our students and provide a curriculum that meets their needs.  Assessment takes many forms; formative assessment informs our learning and teaching and summative assessment that informs us what our students have learnt.

​Interviews and Reports

Term 1
In term 1 we will hold Student, Parent, Teacher conversations with the aim of getting to know each other, sharing your child’s strengths and creating learning relationships that will last the year long.  Each conversation will last 10 - 12 minutes and will generally be held in week three of the term.

Term 2
Written reports will be given out towards the end of Term 2 as a part of the Report Folios that also displays samples of the child's work inside it.

Term 3
Student, Parent, Teacher conversations will be held early in the term.  These will be an opportunity to seek further feedback on your child's learning along with goal setting opportunities following up from the Semester One Reports.

Term 4

Written reports will be given out towards the end of Term 4. Parents or teachers may request interviews to discuss reports. Portfolios displaying samples of each child's work will be sent home with written reports.

At any stage during the year parents or teachers may request interviews if needed. This is particularly important in cases where students are performing below normal expectations or well above normal expectations.